Democracy Monitoring Spanish official results of the TCE referendum to be finally made available online Investigation

26.07.2005 | Mis à jour le 31.05.2006 | Arsène RICHARD
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Important update : recently, I have found the results of the Spanish referendum on the website of the Spanish delegation of the European Parliament.

Have a look at the Spanish referendum monitoring report to evaluate how this referendum has been free and fair according to international standards criteria.

The Interior Ministry has probably heard that its pages for the official results of the referendum on the TCE were missing, when not failing to deliver any result. Well, they now work perfectly ! They even give the sources for the legal ruling texts and for the declaration of the results in the BOE [1].

However, do not expect further more ! This is a great step and it has to be recognized as such : we live in transparent democracies. Believe it or not.

Effectively, by having just a single curious look on them, one would notice this : The graphs of the participation on the one hand, and the graph of the results on the other hand are well distinguished from each other [2], which still witnesses the will to focus on the results more than on the sameful participation (Cf. Conclusion). We remember that, at that time, the Spanish YES was given to be "massive"... while representing 31 percent of the electorate.

If those Interior Ministry pages have been updated, all the rest of the previous article remains true : any other page either still fails, does not exist anymore (no archive or redirection), just does not mention the results nor ever link to them.

If I currently have no proof that the pages were failing [3], pretexting that there was a technical problem can not stand valid without doubting that this delay could have been deliberate. Indeed, such a failure would have lasted long enough for no website to link to these results page untill now :

Today, I have just checked thanks to Google. Not any online newspaper, not any other institutional website, from Spain or Europe, link to this page or to the BOE’s official document.

Well, is this just a democratic way to let the people know when so much has been spend to promote the first YES vote to a referendum on the TCE ?

[1] Boletín Oficial del Estado. But they give no link, just the references, and one has to crawl the web for it. Here it is ! And the 2 pages PDF

[2] unlike the French official results given by the French Constitutional Council. One can still be surprised that only 6 weeks (when I had checked) after the vote, the issue has disappeared from the main page being overtaken by "Considerations over the electoral deadlines of 2007" (sic)... in a 2 years time !

[3] I could not technically save all those pages, to make them viewable anytime the way they look then

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